Saturday, June 26, 2010


After all the hype I thought I might try this one out, after playing this one for a couple hours,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dirt 2 revisited

Well after some time away from video games in general I have begun to play again, I have some new profiles and usually get on nightly.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hackers and Cheaters

Well it seems that we are seeing more and more Hacks and Cheats for the PS3, some will make you faster, some will let you under a map so you can reappear at the desired time, some as simple as Wall riding.

Driving 101

Here we will discuss the basics of racing in an attempt to Improve your lap times.
One of the first and most important is the "APEX", the line you choose going through the turns.
Here are some basic diagrams to give you an idea.

Soap Box!

This is my general grip post.
Example; when playing GRID and we are waiting for the next race to start....
Press the Friggin Triangle button!
In case you didn't know we all wait longer for the race to start when you don't press the
triangle button to ready up.

"DIRTBAGS" on Dirt2

Waiting for game release.
This is a Game I am looking forward to as I love Off-road racing games.
I suspect there will be the same sort of Crash-fest's and driving backwards by disgruntled drivers so I am creating this post like the prior which is to expose those who would do
things to disrupt the game for the rest of us.Be sure to check out where you stand on the Dirt 2 global standings, you must sign in to view so take the time to sign up because this is cool to see where you and other players stand.

**DIRT2 Global standings **

"GRIDIOTS" on Racedriver GRID

Now I'm not saying I'm perfect and we all have things that happen that were not intentional but when people do things that are done in an effort to take someone out or are in general disruptive to the rest of the racers your name will be posted here.The last straw for me was when I was second on the starting grid and coming into the first corner I had the lead by 1/2 a car length but knowing if I held my line it would be a crash fest I backed off and let the other driver through, I followed in second where on the fourth turn this guy proceeded to bounce off the walls. I held my line till he got straightened out and then made a clean pass until my rear bumper was even with his front bumper then