Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This is where I will be posting the names of online cheaters, hackers and poor sports.
Feel free to add someone, just make sure its for real and not just someone better than you.

* benladen71
Start line glitch on Dirt2 7/20/2010

* lachieneajaque
I've seen this guy cheat on more tracks than I knew there were cheats for, and when you call him on it he just laughs.

* M_r__K
Sometimes cheats, sometimes just gets a kick out of smashing people around.

Start line glitch


Anonymous said...

Poor little superlatemodel19, needs to crash people to get ahead.
In his mind he thinks he's doing good, but he's a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic.

Anonymous said...

racecar_350, this is another guy that likes to do the start line glitch that pops him into first.
I wish we could do something about this sort of thing.

Jimshorts said...

Well done #58. I have never been able to figure out why many of the people that play DiRT 2 (or any other game for that matter) feel it necessary to cheat constantly. It seems to defeat the point of playing. I'm glad to see you're bringing this to people's attention. Keep up the good work!

B Donald said...

Well I ran into a couple more of these boneheads tonight.
These two took it to the point where they were competing against each other to see who could pull of the start line glitch first.